
This is the best place we've found for low price, fast shipping and high-quality racket assembly.

They have most brands though, unfortunately, they don't sell Butterfly in the US.

They are located in Estonia but their shipping is miraculously fast. We've ordered paddles, balls and rubber on Monday and received the finished paddles with rubber perfectly attached by Thursday. Truly incredible!

Table Tennis 11 Online Store

Ping Pong Prince

Table Tennis tips, coaching and commentary. Featuring ping pong trick shots and other crazy shots by professional table tennis players as well as amateurs.

Ping Pong Prince Youtube Channel

Coach Yangyang Jia

This beautiful young lady has excellent advice for players from beginner to intermediate level.

She explains how to hold the paddle, how to stand, how to move and then covers all the strokes.

She has advice for footwork drills and even offers tips on cooking Chinese food.

Yangyang's Youtube Channel

Coach EmRatThich

Nobody knows who he is but we know he is from Vietnam and currently living in France. He shares many Chinese Table Tennis secrets.

Coach EmRatThich's Youtube Channel

Phoenix Table Tennis Club

A great table tennis club founded in 1947 with leagues, coaching and open play.

Phoenix Table Tennis Club