Welcome to the ping pong club in Chandler Arizona!

The Chandler Table Tennis Club (CTTC) is collection of ping pong enthusiasts assembled in May 2017 to promote the sport in Chandler Arizona. Since 2017 the City of Chandler has graciously provided two venues and more than 10 tournament-level tables for the enjoyment of table tennis making Chandler a great place to live a healthy, active lifestyle.

Table tennis is one of the fastest sports in the world and also one of the most complex. How is it complex? In table tennis, some rubbers are for generating spin and speed. Other rubbers (long pips) are for generating confusion and deception by using the opponents spin against him/her. Older, slower players can use the deceptive long pips rubber to overcome younger faster opponents. In no other sport can the nature of the game be changed so radically due to equipment.

Table Tennis can be played at an equal level by men and women, kids and adults, young and old. It's the most fun, fair and egalitarian sport on the planet!

Don't be a couch potato watching sports you don't play on the television. Come play with us. We welcome beginners and experienced players alike to play with us.

Two Locations

Chandler Community Center (CCC)
Chandler Community Center
125 East Commonwealth Avenue
Chandler AZ 85225
Mon: 4 - 7 PM
Thur: 8 - 11:30 AM
Fri: 8 - 11:30 AM
Sat: 9 - 12 AM
Tumbleweed Recreation Center (TRC)
Tumbleweed Recreation Center
745 E. Germann Road
Chandler, AZ 85286
Please click here for schedule
Saturday: 4 - 7:30 PM
Sunday: 10 AM - 2 PM